Bob & Ada Hiley Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

At the 2015 Christian Resources Together (CRT) retreat in September this year Bob and Ada Hiley were privileged to be presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of their many years of serving God through Christian Literature. Bob & Ada Hiley Receive Lifetime Achievement Award The award was presented to them at the Book Aid HeadContinue reading “Bob & Ada Hiley Receive Lifetime Achievement Award”

Increasing Demand for Theology Books

Book Aid is seeing an increasing demand for books on theology from its partners overseas. In some countries, such as Kenya, the Government is insisting that in order to run a church ministers must now obtain a recognised qualification in theology. It is very likely that this trend will continue and be applied in other countries.Continue reading “Increasing Demand for Theology Books”

Urgent Appeal for Bibles from Italy

Many thousands of English-speaking Africans cross over the sea from Africa to Europe (see this BBC report). Sadly, many are lost at sea and do not reach their intended destination. Others do reach Italy and are stranded without help from the government. Local believers are doing what they can, but have run out of Bibles inContinue reading “Urgent Appeal for Bibles from Italy”

Bob Hiley Retires as Director of Book Aid

After twenty-seven years of founding and leading the Book Aid ministry Bob Hiley is standing down from leadership. Well known for his vision, energy and pioneering spirit he will be greatly missed. His legacy of over 300 containers of Christian literature sent by Book Aid to places of need across the world is evidence of God’sContinue reading “Bob Hiley Retires as Director of Book Aid”

Book Aid Winter 2014-15 News Update

Book Aid continues to reach areas of literature need across the world. In 2014 seven container loads (nearly 3/4 of a million books) were shipped to Africa and India. You might think that would leave us short of books. Not so! That is the one thing we are not short and we have calls daily for booksContinue reading “Book Aid Winter 2014-15 News Update”