Book Aid is seeing an increasing demand for books on theology from its partners overseas. In some countries, such as Kenya, the Government is insisting that in order to run a church ministers must now obtain a recognised qualification in theology. It is very likely that this trend will continue and be applied in other countries.
In Nagaland in North East India, 90% of the population are English-speaking Christians. There are between 50 and 100 Bible Colleges already established, with more being set up all the time. However, with a few exceptions, most have only a few hundred books in their libraries – and many have none at all.
In Nagaland most Bible Colleges have very few theology books and commentaries like these in their libraries
Book Aid would like to respond to these requests, so we have updated the list of materials that we ask for from book donors in the UK:
- All kinds of Christian books regardless of age or doctrinal stance.
Books on theology, Bible commentaries, Bible encyclopedias and dictionaries. - Books on biblical languages, including lexicons and books on grammar.
- Bibles of any version [except New English Bible (NEB)] regardless of age
- Ladybird Books – both religious and secular.
- Theological Journals – see here for details.