Book Aid Winter 2014-15 News Update

Book Aid continues to reach areas of literature need across the world. In 2014 seven container loads (nearly 3/4 of a million books) were shipped to Africa and India. You might think that would leave us short of books. Not so! That is the one thing we are not short and we have calls daily for books to be collected as many people are pruning their book collections, or clearing relatives’ homes, etc. Our network of volunteer collectors all around the UK continues to do a great job – keeping the books moving into our warehouses. A big “thank you” – what would we do without you! And thank you to those who donate such wonderful books too!

Many of you kindly ask us about the future. As you know Bob and Ada founded Book Aid 27 years ago but they are not getting any younger and although they do not want to stop doing this wonderful work. We are pleased to welcome Christine Pulsford to work alongside the team for 12 months as Director of Operations to help us discern the way ahead. Christine is Bob and Ada’s eldest daughter. She is a solicitor and has seen God provide for her to have a career break to offer her services to Book Aid. If you visit the London premises do call and see her and introduce yourself. Christine commutes weekly from her Wiltshire home so is generally around in the middle of each week.

Christine with Bob and Ada

Another change on the way for Book Aid is that we are planning to change the Trustee Board freeing up the existing trustees for the day-to-day management of Book Aid. We are thrilled that Andrew Quinney and Rob Bradshaw have agreed to take over as Trustees from the start of next year. Both Andrew and Rob have long associations with Book Aid – they know our history and passion for supplying books to areas of literature need.

Philomena of Book Aid Kenya was in the UK for a period this summer and joined in the sorting and packing of a container which she took delivery of just before Christmas. This will be her third container as she establishes the work there. We urge you to pray for the work in Kenya especially for safety and protection for Philomena and the team as they sell Christian books in a dangerous climate.

In the last 18 months Book Aid has not been exempt from the worldwide economic pressures and this has had a serious effect on the cost of supplying books abroad. One way of addressing this is to sell more of the donated books here in the UK through our existing shops to increase available funds.

Ranskill bookshop

Book Aid Ranskill is currently opening up part of the warehouse to provide more shop space to do just that. You will be able to see the project in progress and enjoy an increase in stock to choose from! Stewart, the manager, and Russell will be glad to welcome you.

In addition to the Ranskill warehouse and shop we continue to sell and receive books through the Book Aid shops in London, Northern Ireland, Warrington and Barnard Castle and say a big thank you to the volunteers who continue faithfully to offer their premises and service to the work.

Volunteers are vital to what we do and it is great to welcome new ones. Nigel was on his first day volunteering as a book sorter in London when we took this photo and Arthur has been volunteering faithfully for some time in the warehouse.

Another way for us to keep down costs is to use the internet more and save on postage and paper. If you have an email address please would you let Sylvia, our administrator, know by emailing her. We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed and as we improve our use of these we hope you will find them helpful sources of news.

Nigel, Ada, Ama, Bob, Malcolm & Mike

Finally, a thank you to all our supporters — whether you have supported us faithfully for many years or have just begun. Whether your support is your prayer, your time, your energy, your finances or buying books we are grateful to God for what continues to be done through Book Aid.

May God bless you, The Book Aid team

4 thoughts on “Book Aid Winter 2014-15 News Update

  1. I am sorry to say that I have found this website utterly impenetrable! I started collecting for book aid 35 years ago. I have moved home and wish to continue. My address 26 Woodlands, Walderslade, Chatham, Kent, ME5 9JX. My e-mail address is ;-
    Can you find anyone in Chatham or Gillingham, or Rainham who can assist in my getting books to you?
    Every blessing, John

  2. Good morning. I have a number of Cristian books that I would like to donate due to downsizing from the family home .
    I live in Surrey how do I go about this please .

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